1. 透过财政科技计划看2015年高新技术企业政策发展
2. 新纳税申报表的变化于高新收入的影响
3. 高新资质企业财政补贴归类说明及后续管理
4. 高新收入确认中的实操问题解析
1. 收入的确认上一直很困惑,在报高新的资料的时候,我们的研发部会把基本上90%的收入都放到高新收入里面去,但是做账的时候又不是进入到高新收入里面,那对于收入到底应该来如何进行划分?
2. 是否只有符合高新技术产权的产品才可以确认收入?研发产品的报废在账务上是冲减收入还是冲减费用?我们的研发费用辅助账还不健全,想要知道如何来做。
3. 其实高新的话这一块的税收政策大家都知道,而我想要了解的就是对于高新技术企业,可能会遇到的其它的优惠(地方政府的扶植基金),像是各地的政府、行政机关所给予的一些一次性的补助,比如说奖励基金、成果转化、特别行业的国家的贴现(国家计划鼓励的相关的生产的产品)。这种的话不属于税收优惠,属于地方的扶持。
明税律师事务所 高级合伙人
14:00 透过财政科技计划看2015年高新技术企业政策发展
14:10 高新技术企业收入政策变化与管理
1. 新纳税申报表的变化于高新收入的影响
2. 高新技术企业收入与知识产权的关联性
3. 高新技术企业相关财政性资金收入(专项资金等)管理
1) 高新资质对于取得财政补贴的优势
2) 高新财政补贴申请的资质要求及财政补贴种类
3) 高新补贴收入相关的费用扣除限制与后续管理
4. 高新收入确认中的常见问题解析
1) 高新技术产品(服务)只占总承包收入的一部分,企业能否将总承包收入确认为高新技术产品(服务)?
2) 高新技术与高新技术产品(服务)无法一一对应(如某公司申报的研发项目有多个,而高新产品只有一种)的收入确认
3) 外购设备、产品是否要剃除
4) 高新收入的知识产权时效性问题
15:15 互动答疑
15:30 活动结束
Key Value Points:
1. Forecast of new and high technology enterprise policy development through national finance policy.
2. The correlation between new and high technology enterprise income and new tax return.
3. The classification and management of new and high technology enterprise fiscal subsidies.
4. Practical problem analysis of new and high technology enterprise income.
Peer Confusions:
1. I am confused about the income of new and high technology enterprise. When we need to fill the data to apply for the qualification, our R&D department will put almost 90% of the income into the new and high technology enterprise income, but when we need to book in, something will be different. So how can we divide the incomes?
2. Is that right that only the production accord with the technology property rights can be listed as income? The scrap of R&D production should deduct from revenues or expenses? We don’t have a mature system of R&D subsidiary ledger, so we are eager to know about it.
3. Actually we have a good knowledge of the policy of new and high technology industry, so it is better for us to know more about other benefits, like the financial subsidies of the government.
14:00 Forecasting: new and high technology enterprise policy development through national finance policy.
14:10 Insight: New and high technology enterprise income
1. The correlation between new and high technology enterprise income and new tax return.
2. The correlation between new and high technology enterprise income and intellectual property.
3. The management of fiscal subsidies
1) The advantage of the qualification of new and high technology enterprise
2) The qualification requirement and different types of fiscal subsidies
3) The limitation and management of related expenses
4. Practical problem analysis
1) When the new and high tech production is only a part of the final production, is that ok the enterprise use the whole income as the high tech income?
2) The technology isn’t a one to one correspondence to the production, how to book in the income
3) Do we need to get rid of the outsourcing production and equipments?
4 The questions about the timeliness of intellectual property
1. 国家税务总局2014年63号文:关于发布《中华人民共和国企业所得税年度纳税申报表(A类,2014年版)》的公告
2. 中华人民共和国科学技术部:国务院印发关于深化中央财政科技计划(专项、基金等)管理改革方案的通知
3. 国务院关于国家重大科研基础设施和大型科研仪器向社会开放的意见
4. 北京市成立科技成果转化引导基金与高价科技成果转化引导紧紧联动推进科技成果转化
姓 名:Judy Jin | 客服热线:400 820 2536 |
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